Candle Service

Temple of Miracles Candle Service to honour Papa and to pray for your wishes.

Red Candle: Honouring deity Papa Elegua mandatory;

***In addition below candles can be choosen depending the aspect of life or desire to be fullfilled***

Blue Candle: Manifestation; Communication; Creativity

Green: Health; Money

Pink: Love,

Orange: Confidence

Brown: Legal issues

Purple: Ancestors honoring; Protection

BMR – Black Magic removal
RO- road opening and Banishing

Yellow: Prosperity

Red: Career

Here’s the form that we would use for the daily candle service including the Monday’s Candle service. We have now introduced different types of offerings that you can select for papa in the form itself.

Please Note:

1. Red Candles (honouring) is a mandatory candle for each person you request a candle in your form.

2. Payment for black candles should go to the Instamojo link (provided in the form) and Payments for all other candles including the offerings goes to the Temple Account (also mentioned in the form).

Request Your Candle Service Here!


1. Please enter the name and other details of the person requesting the candles to be lit, at the top of the form. This would help us reach out to you in case of any discrepancies.
2. Please specify the candle service date
3. For the first request fill the name of the person (this name is carved on the candles that you request)
4. Select Black candles, other candles or offerings as you wish. You can add multiple candles and offerings.
5. Provide Banish list for Black Banishing candle
6. Provide wishes for the Blue (Manifestation) candle.
7. Please make sure the Banish list and the wishes list are in few words and concise as these are carved on the candle. And space there is limited.
8. For requesting candles/offerings for another person click on ‘Add Person’.
9. Once done with your selection, pay for the Black candles in the instamojo link mentioned in the form. And attach the payment screenshot
10. Pay for the other candles and offerings to the Temple of Miracles Account (details mentioned in the form) and attach the screenshot.
11. Submit the form.